Nail psoriasis treatment just as easily. The cause of the disease.

Psoriasis, nail disease, the person may be exposed to people at any age. As a result of this disease, the immune system of the body chronic, a possible recurrence. To contribute to develop the disease, the genes of a human, a responsible job, the body's immune system. But to prevent the development of psoriasis and preventive measures can be treated.

What is psoriasis quotes?


The external manifestation of various so-called visible damage which is a disease quotes. This can be different diameters, the dimples and the small, irregularly spaced of the nails and detachment of quotation, may, in part, may be a complete loss quotes.

Accompanied by her Platinum color changes nail psoriasis: visible yellowing of the nail, white spots, dark brown and sometimes even black color. If blood vessels that may appear red striped nail psoriasis effects. Why you should be a survey for any discoloration of the nail.

Debris disease the nail plate that may appear. Sometimes the edge of the nail is noticeably compressed, and maintenance.

Like symptoms that require attention and preventive measures. Nail psoriasis the disease is not a disease in itself because emergency treatment necessary for the confirmation, somewhere, untimely or inadequate treatment can lead to serious complications.

The cause of psoriasis nail

Notes that psoriasis susceptibility is similar to the pain of the relatives of people who have a disease. The ability of transmission at a genetic level, this illness is a possibility, but not at all mandatory.

Sometimes observed in people with psoriasis, their relatives suffering from this disease. Other factors that may be the reasons:

  • Stress. Occur in some patients, psoriasis occurred after the border turmoil. At such times the body is weakened critically, contributes to the development of disease. Strong stress forcing, the transition function of the nervous system re-the nerve cells of the body, which leads to a weakened immune irregular reaction, irritation, psoriasis and disease.
  • Viral infections. The most dangerous complications of the disease that is passed among developing the ability to psoriasis. The weakening of the body, that can trigger psoriasis antibiotic therapy quotes. Even worse, if the infection appeared to be inadequate treatment or treatment properly.
  • Hormonal disorders. Age-related changes in the body therapeutic drug containing hormones which can lead to the development of nail psoriasis. During these periods, you must maintain your body and be careful with vitamins as nail plates.
  • Metabolic. The reason may be psoriasis and metabolic. Careful try diet, more often in the open air, keep track of your weight.
  • Inheritance. Psoriasis – a heritage may become infected by, but not always. If close relatives if you suffer from psoriasis, be careful because the manifestation of the first symptoms passes during the initial phase of treatment, significantly more efficient.

Home treatment psoriasis of nail


If the most important signs that can be seen only in the beginning stages of nail psoriasis, symptoms, and treatments begin at home.

Before you begin the treatment necessarily diagnose to rule out fungal disease, and external appearance is very similar to psoriasis.

Nail psoriasis treatment should start from an "insider". Make sure you take vitamins, and calcium. They help strengthen the nail structure and it is an infectious disease that is less sensitive.

Careful vitamin complexes, contribute to normal metabolism. These are vitamins A, B, C, E, P, strengthen the body and to improve the situation quotes. That offers them many opportunities to be absorbed in the body thanks to a full-fledged growth substances.

Psychological stress and psoriasis is transported is the result of "fatigue", therefore taking care in the complex treatment sedative medications and rest necessary in this case.

Toe nail decoction medicinal herbs that will be useful (recommended chamomile, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort). To cook the herbs in water, a water bath may be arbitrary. Soak your nails in warm water and allow to cool for 10-15 minutes with your hands into the tub, and water. Necessarily, apply nail oil, hand cream, emollient.

Manifest and packages along friction against psoriasis oils (olive oil, sunflower oil and oil of needle-leaved plants). Before bedtime, apply a small amount of oil on the nail plate. Soften oil nail, feed him the necessary ingredients, coniferous plants oil that has an anti-inflammatory has an effect. The procedure does not require much time, an additional meal.

Home treatments are sometimes effective enough in the early stages of the symptoms of the disease, but if the negligence of a case of nail psoriasis, home treatment should be done in conjunction with, under the supervision of pharmaceutical experts.

Psoriasis nail care

Psoriasis cause of nail disease chronic provoke any view can be repeated: stress, illness, poor nutrition,. Recommendations to ban a symptom of the disease should be considered a disease doctors:

  • Forget the gloves to defend your home appliances, contact Chemistry, because of the reasons could be the influence of the means of the recurrence of the disease. An ingredient that is included weakening the nail's natural structure to help him may cause the first symptoms of the disease.
  • Try to prevent injuries quotation: even a small sliver can cause the formation of an infectious socket.
  • You follow, and hand hygiene.
  • If nail psoriasis manifested itself already, not recommended beauty treatments to nails. Extension of the nail plate and gel coating off, is strictly prohibited immediately apparent because the development of the disease can lead to complications. Not recommended for use, or even with decorative varnish.
  • Nails affected by psoriasis, it is best to keep it short: the patient's aesthetic view quotes very pleasant; sick long fingernails contribute to the development of disease. It's better to cut the affected places.
  • Watch without leave nail psoriasis! Necessarily treat!

Nail psoriasis diet

power-up time-psoriasis

If you suffer from psoriasis of the nails definitely for editing food, received food and basic required item for the body harm. Diet disease doctors with the recommendations of the following:

  • Every day, at least 8 glasses of water fruit juices and other beverages. The body "flush" self-injurious substances.
  • To eliminate foods in your diet: even a small degree of alcohol, smoked and salted foods, coffee, sodas, chips. Add cooking vinegar, flavorings and spices. Sugar sucrose a substitute for advice from. Don't get carried away, fruits and berries, the color red, because it contains the substances that contribute to the development of the disease.
  • Facilities that will increase the number of vegetables in their diet: they contain fiber, helps flush out intestinal toxins.
  • Eat lean beef, liver. Eliminate, smoked meat, bacon.
  • Recommended to limit the use of milk and milk products. But not necessarily eat a low-fat cottage cheese and hard cheese.
  • A side dish that could type diet legumes low-fat meat or Turkey.
  • Eat cereal grains (wheat, corn, and wheat). Preferably, not to eat them, milk, and water.

Nail psoriasis treatment it's not just power, but a crime to assist the body resist disease.

A recurrence of psoriasis causes quotes

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, and a recurrence of view is possible. Provoke the re-emergence may be, any cause: tension, stress, other disease.

To prevent recurrence, you need to be careful and your own nutrition and general health status, and stressful situations. Not eat, the digestive system does not work properly talented. If it is not possible to avoid a stressful situation, necessarily agree with sedative drugs.

Holiday on the coast will help to avoid the re-emergence of the disease as they strive to increase the spacing between or. Exposure to the sun's rays, sea water and hot sand in the case of a positive effect, and nail condition of the body.

Necessarily spend preventive procedures: water on a weekly Bath herbs, a moisturizing hand cream to soften the skin. The symptoms are not obvious, more quotes therapeutic Polish.

Psoriasis nails it is difficult to completely cure, but preventive measures and regular compliance recommendations to avoid Frequent recurrences and complications.